Thursday, December 12, 2013

Model Seaplane

Seaplane is the energy takeoff, landing and parking of aircraft on the water, mainly used for maritime patrol, anti-submarine, rescue and sports. The first flight took off from the water successfully, manufactured by the famous French aviator and aircraft designer Watts Brothers. This is a box-kite-glider, fitted with floats under the fuselage. June 6, 1905, this glider on the Seine by a motorboat towing rose into the air.
RC Seaplane
Seaplane is divided into two type, hull and pontoon. According planing hull type seaplane designed with special shape of the fuselage, the fuselage belly produced buoyancy while floating in the water; pontoon is to land the aircraft's landing gear replaced by buoys, generate lift by floats, the body does not touch the water when the plane floating. There is also an amphibious aircraft, based on the hull or pontoon seaplane equipped with retractable landing gear - away when water landing, taking off and landing on the road down to achieve amphibious flying.
The main advantage is that you can hydroplane in the vast waters of the river, lake, river, sea surface, security, performance, space requirements for more economical, it is possible to take-off and landing on the water, and welcomed to the fans of the model plane. Water model aircraft also emulate real aircraft, from the structure is divided into two kinds of floats and full, but more of a combination of both designs.
As we all know, the buoyancy acting on the object immersed in water equal to its weight of water in the drain. Therefore, the key water model aircraft design is to have sufficient underwater volume. Structural materials to use more water model airplane balsa or foam material.

RC Seaplane
When you design the water model aircraft, you pay attention to the body or buoys with water contact angle size. Compared with the land, Higher landing and landed in the water the drag model airplanes, if the contact angle is too large, the model can easily lead to tipping and other accidents. So generally the front of the fuselage or the buoy designed to streamline and attention during takeoff and landing control body and the water contact angle, to avoid accidents. In addition, to ensure that the model aircraft not wandering off when it is flying in the water, some of the fans at the wing tip contacts the surface of the location set reference guide tip, through its guiding role in the water, allowing the model aircraft to take off from the water line. This should be a good innovation.
This is what I want to introduce you to the water model airplanes, hope you like it.

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