Sunday, March 9, 2014

Why Remote Control Helicopter Will Be Delayed?

Remote control helicopter has been growing love for people, and with the development of social science and technology, this technology is also constantly progress, when operating the remote control aircraft, most people will encounter series of questions for example how far the remote control helicopter can fly, how high can fly, and how long can fly. Now let me on these issues to be analyzed it.
RC Helicopter
1. How long model helicopter can fly in the air?
Typically how much flight time ( blank time ) is mainly determined by the power system. If the size of the electric motor power helicopters and carrying capacity of the battery voltage and engine displacement of oil moving helicopter carrying the fuel used and the volume. Generally either electric or oil moving empty time after a charge or refuel in 10-20 minutes. First, the energy weight restrictions, and the second is also taken into account to avoid manipulation by prolonged mental fatigue two highly centralized control caused turnovers.
2. How far and high the remote control helicopter can fly?
Due to the higher altitude, the lower air density, so the helicopter flight altitude generally much lower than fixed-wing aircraft flight altitude, even so it has been far greater than our visual control distance and remote distance, soin terms of flight altitude and flight distance of the aircraft is decided to the remote control device's safe remote distance and visual distance. Generally particularly smaller body aircraft flight speed also up to 20 meters.
3.Why so difficult to fly the plane , did not think so good to fly?
There are mainly two major reasons:
1). Since the stability of the helicopter can not be compared with the fixed-wing aircraft. In addition to the coaxial propellers structure of the helicopter, there is no a helicopter can not be controlled in a stable floating state of a long time in the air ( usually within 10-20 seconds, will lose balance and fall to the ground in ) , so you must keep the spirit of the highly centralized control.
2). I personally think that because the beginner has not yet formed a conditioned reflex to control the direction in the brain in the beginning, so often the aircraft is under some kind of flight attitude, giving the aircraft via a transmitter wrong action command, even brain a blank , but the aircraft did not give enough time to manipulate those corrections caused by plunging to the ground . Just keep right exercise can be manipulated with ease up. In the early days can be completed using a computer simulator exercises.
RC Hlicopter
4. why the helicopter will turn left, or in the other direction rather than straight off when taking off?
That was under the influence of downwash effects and main rotor gyro, it is generally tilted to the left during takeoff helicopter type normal. Need to play some slightly to the right aileron control lever ( right hand horizontal lever ), but not by aileron fine-tuning, such as the case of observing stable after hovering around the body sway and then adjust the aileron trimming. If the offset to the other direction can be corrected at the time on the ground by fine-tuning.
Nowadays airplanes are the best entertainment toys for the most people, remote control helicopter flying in the air will follow our hearts off, remote control helicopter will bring us a very strong sense of stimulation, sense of stimulation is now the main pursuit of people's lives one. Many people understand the remote control is not enough, remotely piloted aircraft and sometimes there will be some glitches, the problem we first need to do is to analyze the reasons why there is a delay on the remote control helicopter can not fly and spin the issue as follows:
The main reason there is a delay of remote control helicopter three points:
First. Distance problem, maybe too far away cause reception problems.
Second. Most helicopter landing gear wires are tied there, and that is to receive remote control commands wires, you need to check the wire is broken or damaged.
Third. Remote control power, how much power of remote control is directly related to with remote sensitivity, the above questions so I suggest you make a body check to the aircraft.
Helicopter can not fly and always spin as follows:
Frist spin, because your motor can not provide the speed of taking off, there is not enough lift, plus the plane of the motor torque led to the aircraft spin.
Followed by either your plane overweight , but this situation should not happen.
Motor voltage and current speed is not enough to specify. The reason may be in the plane of the circuit board. If HM four more helicopter by another four-in this case as long as the receiver is on the line.
I hope the above analysis can make you a better understanding of model helicopter.

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